Sunday, January 29, 2012


I think it's so funny how some milestones appear out of the blue. On second they can't do something, then BAM they can! Last week we took Harrison to a new pre-school to see if it was a good fit. And one of the things they had them do was draw. Harrison has been drawing faces a while, but not people. You know, the tadpole people with looooong legs and a fat body. 

This morning, while scribbling on my iPad, he drew a tadpole person out of the blue. Here they are. Some of the drawings have backgrounds because you can load a photo in the background on the app. 

This is a drawing of Grammy. 

This is an Angry Bird. 

This is Allister.  

This is Daddy. Note his very long legs that go up past his head. Lol. 

 And mummy :)

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