Monday, September 5, 2011

England Vacation: Sunday

Advance notice: I have many many photos of our english vacation, and we were very very busy bees while in England. This means I have a lot of photos and stories to tell! You should enjoy them, but maybe it will all just be too much for you ;)

Also, I'm still trying to figure out how to move photos correctly on this Blogsy app. So sorry if they look a little wonky!


Sunday morning, after Emma's wedding, we stayed in a wonderful B & B in Worthing. We enjoyed a delicious English breakfast with real sausages and bacon! Num num num how I missed you!

After breakfast we played in a local park with the boys. It's funny, but because I never had children when I lived in England I didn't know where any parks were!

Allister enjoying the park, this zip line was super fun!

Harrison loved this spiny see-saw!

After the park we headed to Arundel Castle. One of England's prettiest little castles, and a favorite of mine. Arundel is such a charming town, and is surrounded by beautiful countryside.

When Matt and I were dating, he took a photo of me, stood here by these steps. One of our favorite days out was to Arundel. I'll have to dig up the photo and post a then and now. Here we are 6 or so years later, married with two wonderful boys! By those same steps, having taken many many more steps to get here!

Once at the castle, we stumbled across a special story time they were doing for the kids! They were looking for actors, and half our family were picked! Harrison had the time of his life playing a knight, who turned out to be none other than Robin Hood! Daddy Matt got to be his horse, Uncle Gary was some weird hat guy, and Auntie Jules a Nun! I'll post the videos in a second, they are very cute and funny :)

The boys below thoroughly enjoying the story!

The story was so wonderful, and Harrison and Allister grinned from ear to ear the whole time! It really was the highlight of our holiday.

Sir Harrison the Green knight!

On his daddy's shoulders, daddy was asked to be the horse!

The big reveal! Harrison AKA the Green Knight is Robin Hood !

A stunning view over Arundel.

Through the arrow hole.

A rare peaceful moment with my little whirlwind.

He's such a big handsome boy!

After the castle we met up with Auntie Linda and Uncle David (Nana's twin brother ) At The Black Rabbit. It was so nice to catch up with family after so many years of being away. Isn't this a great photo of everyone! Gary had disappeared to hide from the many wasps, we all ended up moving seats away from them. I forgot how many horrid bees and wasps there are in England! Ohio is relatively bug free!

It was such a fun long day, Harrison, who barely napped the whole vacation, was so pooped he fell asleep on Pooh-bash lap. Bless him, he is such an angel Sometimes!

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