Thursday, September 1, 2011

Test blog from iPad

I have a new iPad. It's my Christmas present to myself, Christmas will be less exciting for me this year.
The main reason I wanted an iPad was to blog. I love my little blog, yet I have found little time for it of late. And sitting at the computer with a 3 year old and a 1 year old is near on impossible. This way I can blog form the table, the gym, the sofa, even the car!
The only problem? Blogger is not compatible with the iPad, you can't just pop on over to Safari (the iPad and Apples web browser) and start typing. Don't you wish it was that easy! So my hunt for the perfect Blogging app has begun. I have done some research, and it seems there isn't a lot of great apps out there. All are lacking, but this one, Blogsy, is new and different. It has some rave reviews, and some bad ones too. So far I like it, but so far I've attempted just 2 paragraphs!
I'm am no techy, I'm not computer savvy. I know more than most housewives I think, but less than most of the teenage population. I don't know HTML code, but I can google it!
Some of the reviews say that this app is not intuitive. I would say otherwise. For anyone with any kind of computer knowledge or background, even as basic as mine, I think it's pretty easy to pick up. I have managed thus far without reading any kind of manual or help. A big BIG plus for me is it's spell checking as I type! Now if only it did the same for my grammar.
So I need to upload some photos and videos so I can see how that goes, and maybe then play around with fonts and stuff. So far this is great. And Blogsy promise good things in future updates! An update as simple as an undo button would be great! And an auto save function.
So here goes.......a photo and a video.

But before that, I just realized I should have read the instructions. I though I'd lost this blog and rewrote it, only to find it in "local" otherwise known as drafts! Never mind..... Onto a video and a photo.

Well that seemed simple enough! If your videos are on YouTube just drag and drop. Couldn't be simpler! Ok a photo, from my iPhone first.

Ok so that wasn't so simple, I didn't realize you HAVE TO HAVE a picassa, wordpress or Flickr account even when uploading from your iPhone? So I'll try that later, now I'll try from a web site. Not sure if that works either.

So this photo I copied from Facebook, you can load a photo from any web page, trouble is it wouldn't let me have the full size version so that's not going to work well unless you just want a thumbnail I guess.

Anyway, I feel that this Blogsy does pretty much everything I would need! I'm excited! I just need to figure out the photo storage thing and I'm good to go. Expect some couch blogging from me in the near future!


Now lets see if this published ok!
Oh and the video was taken yesterday, the boys and I spent a good deal of the day playing and dancing because I've been I'll with a cold.

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