Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Caterpillar blues :)

When Harrison was a baby, he was lulled to sleep by his cute little caterpillar.
He loved it so much that he wore it out, so I bought another one when I was pregnant with Allister for him to enjoy and mounted it on his crib- see below.

But Allister doesn't seem to like Mr.Caterpillar!
Being the naughty mummy I am I had to get proof of what happens each time I turn on said caterpillar, its mean, but I was quick! Here's a video, he does this each time I play the caterpillar.
Funny thing is he got so mad he didn't even like his normal music afterwards!

It breaks your heart doesn't it!
I promise I wont do it again!

Here he is all happy and cute....

Then it all starts with a frown....

And then a full on cry!

Bless him :(

He only cries for the caterpillar and if he is made jump, like if I sneeze! He is sensitive to noises.
Ill post a nice giggling video next to help make up for this one.

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